Connectors to application too slow on TPC

Connectors to application too slow on TPC

I first blamed my server capacity to deals with my LoRaWAN messages but I've found out that the problem might come from TPC (or TPX IoT FLow). I've set up two connectors with TPX IoT flow on two different servers :
  1. One MQTT connection to my HiveMQ broker. Data arrives between 4 to 45 secondes after being received on the NS.
  2. One HTTP connection to an HTTP end point. Data arrives between 2 to 15s seconds after being received on the NS.  
I've got only one device connected sending data every minute. I understand that LoRaWAN is not a real time transmission, but don't you think that there is a problem on your side ? On my specific use case it's quite important as I hope to compute the downlink payload before RX1.