Cannot Access Context in Device Driver
According to the documenation at there should be a context available to use for storing a driver's historical data. However, I am unable to use the said
Adding a Driver to ThingPark Community
All – Can you assist with a query related to creating a Device Driver? I add details of the driver and leave the ‘Code’ pane unchanged and am presuming I can modify it later. When I click the Create button, I see the message shown below. {"code":"com-4006","message":"application
How to connect Arduino MKR WAN 1310 to ThingPark Enterprise All In One using OTAA (No AppEUI field available)
I am currently using ThingPark Enterprise All In One version 2.1.1, installed on a Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell 923 LoRa gateway. Our company utilizes the Arduino MKR WAN 1310 for equipment condition monitoring, and we would like to connect it to ThingPark
LoRaWAN Relay mode
Hello all, I understood that the LoRaWAN Relay is supported, but seems to be not possible to enable the functionality from NS or configure that when the Device is created. I would like to know if this feature will be introduced in next releases, because
How to obtain the connection ID on the Actility platform
Get the connection interface, how to get the ID required to add a device, For example: "ID": "TWA_1100012639.16798.AS"? get "ID": "" through ID:2467? because the device has add uses "ID": "", not 2467 swagger-UI:
FUOTA service account
Hello I want access to How can i sign in an account for this URL ?
Wrong time for LoRaMAC DeviceTimeAns
Hello, I noticed an issue with the information sent by ThingPark Community (Product version 8.0, Application version 4.22.1). When a device sends the LoRaMAC DeviceTimeReq command, the server should respond with the DeviceTimeAns, which includes the time
UFIspace Gateway with ThingPark – No Basic Station & No SSH Access
Hi , I have a GPE810U (UFIspace) gateway that I got from my university teacher. It was originally purchased from Actility several years ago but has been disabled for about a year because the service was not renewed. Now, I’m trying to set it up with ThingPark,
MultiTech Conduit has radio error
I moved my MultiTech conduit gateway from a dev environment to my community platform. It worked fine on dev platform with RF_EU868_2015 as RF Region which is not available on community platform. The gateway is having the same network connection as before,
Cannot onboard and delete Gateway
I onboarded a new gateway on TPE as usual but this time it got stuck at Initialization and cannot be online. I check the gateway at local and it already received internet, i had experience and did the onboarding successfully many times. Then i tried to
Issue to connect my abeeway compact tracker
Hello, I cannot add my abeeway compact tracker to the thingpark server. I follow the procedure to add a abeeway connection "provisionning your trackers on Thingpark enterprise" and add my device. But I am stuck in initialization of my device. I tried
Adding Dragino TrackerD
Hello! Please add configuration to setup Dragino TrackerD.
Abeeway Locationsolver Upstream Processor doesn't push data to my MQTT connection
Hello, I'm trying to get GPS&BLE positioning data as coordinates via MQTT connection. I'm using an Abeeway Smart Badge. Currently we are seeing the coordinate data from Abeeway devicemanager uplink data. I added the Abeeway Locationsolver as an Upstream
Problem add Gateway Milesight
Good afternoon, we are adding a milesight gateway and the following problem appears Conflict An unexpected error occurred while trying to handle your request. Please Please try the request again and contact your administrator if the problem persists.
Device not connecting: A DevNonce Attack
Hello Acility, We have designed our own LoRaWAN sensor module that seems to work on TTN and other LNS, but on your LNS we get the following error, see below picture. Could you elaborate on what the problem could be (we have an idea ourselves), and is
Hanged device once connected with Actility cloud
When I tried to attach MultiTech with Actility I download something called LRR on the gateway it was required from actility cloud then the gateway rebooted after that I didn’t attach with the gateway via Ethernet. I communicated with MultiTech Technical
LTE connection
good morning I hope you are well I have a question regarding the LTE connection, in the status field it appears that the status is "Not connected", and I don't understand why. In the interfaces field I get the IP address of the sim card that I have in
Interop US915, test failed (RxParamsSetupReq)
Hello All, Using interop tool for AN US915 device, I have a problem to run successfuly the 4.2.1 test. RxParamsSetup seems ok DevStatusReq on RX1 seems ok But the test fails on DevStatusReq sent on RX2. The DevStatusReq is sent on Rx2 using 923.3 MHz
Interop AU915, test (2.2.5 RX2 window) failed
Hello, While testing the AU915 device with Interop Engine, the test fails at 2.2.5. The error message is: "Ignore DevStatusReq because not sent through RX2... DevStatusReq unconfirmed downlink has been queued. Device did not respond to commands sent through
Need address for TLS target from Gateway to Thingpark
I am trying to set up firewall rules for using TLS encryption from my onsite gateway's to both the community and US Production Thingpark servers. This is what my firewall is blocking but it is not a target that can be added to a firewall. The gateways
OTAA Device profile
Hi, In TP Community, where can I change the OTAA device profile to set RX1 to 5s instead of 1s. Regards, Sylvain
Connectors to application too slow on TPC
Hi, I first blamed my server capacity to deals with my LoRaWAN messages but I've found out that the problem might come from TPC (or TPX IoT FLow). I've set up two connectors with TPX IoT flow on two different servers : One MQTT connection to my HiveMQ
Fail to create MQTT connection
Hello! I am trying to create a mqtt connection but it report fail and was closed like the picture below. I used a mqtt client to check but fail to connect also. Please support me with this. Thank you.
Azure IoT Central Connection error events: Device null
We recently created an Azure IoT Central connection to route data from TPE to our IoT Central App and immediately started getting the following integration errors: error - Connection uplink failed: Uplink failed: Could not open device 24E124136C40XXXX
Radio Error on Conduit
I've been trying to test ThingParkCommunity with my Conduit IP67 BS, but after I got to connect it to TPC it displays a "Radio Error" message, I've read other topics in the forum and I think it may be that ports 21 and 22 are not open on my network. Right
Removing ThingPark LRR
I added a Multitech Conduit gateway to ThingPark by flashing the firmware provided. How do I rollback to the original Multitech firmware? I only have access to SUPLOG
Computing datarate given packet metadata
I've connected my Actility device to Datacake, and I want to store the uplink packet's data rate. The difficulty is that this is not part of the packet metadata. Below is an example of the metadata. For US915, you can determine the data rate from the
Issue: Gateway met High Disk Usage.
Our gateway - Browan Pico Next L0006 was config LRR image to use on Actility Thingpark Enterprise and we tried access the gateway to check the issue but it was denied us SSH by root user. The issue may caused by something like the log files so we will
Downlink encoder driver
Hi, I use a custom Driver for an end-device (uplink decoder and downlink encoder). The decoder works but for the downlink encoder I can't find in the documentation the JSON object properties to send to ThingPark. When I send a downlink raw payload I used
Roaming data from other Network Server to Actility
I want to know that is there anyway that allow roaming lora packets from other NS (for example TTN, Chiprstack) to Actility NS Thank you.
What is client_id and client_secret
ive tried to put in me email and password but it still does not work. May i know what is needed?
Sensors Stamping Time
I combine data from Actility Cloud to SCADA system so I extract the stamping data time but in Europe time zone so I need to change the time zone to Saudi Time. How can I do that?
Connect Multitech conduit through basics station and cups
Hi, I am connecting a Multitech conduit to thingpark community using Basics station. I have setup the URI, Station config, and get the server cert from "" as in the pic: But the base station in thingpark
Connecting a Cisco IXM with a Thingpark community account
I have a Cisco IXM and I am trying to connect using a Community account. I need to know what the entries are that I need to add using the SUPLOG utility backhaul settings. I am not sure what host name to use.
Joined but No Communication (Delivery Status:Failed)
Hello We are waiting for your help regarding a situation we have seen in a LoRaWan project where we use Actility. The server sends a join accept message to the end device and the end device receives this accept and joins.The server sees this device as
Configuring Downlinks on Datacake
I'm trying to configure a connection for downlinks on Datacake, and I'm confronted with the dialog box below. There is a field for the "Target profile identifier." In the description, they say that the identifier "must already be configured within the
Adeunis Modbus LoRa Sensor
Dear Actility Team, I hope this question find you well. I have a problem with Adeunis Modbus LoRa Sensor. When I tried to collect any negative value. I received value :64536. I have a Water flow sensor sends a negative value which mean the direction of
RisingHF gateway
Dear actility team, I have a RisingHF gateway with the Packet forwarder eu868.json configuration, I would like to add this stationary base to thingparks, I already have an account and I have tried to add it as a generic one, but I think I have some wrong
Authentication failed when creating a MQTT connection
Hello, I followed the user guide below to create a mqtt connection on Thinkpark Community. But for some reason, the server was not authorized to connect. Please support me this issue. Thank you!
connectivity issue with azure eventhub
I'm having issue in connecting with azure event hub. getting error " error - Connection uplink failed: Uplink failed: Topic ehp1 not present in metadata after 60000 ms."
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